Katie & Marco | Iceland Wedding Photographer
Iceland Wedding Photographer
Katie and Marco invited me to come and document their elopement in Iceland and from the moment we met on the first day, I knew we’d get along wonderfully. Over the next few days, as I got to know Katie & Marco a bit more , I learned that they are two truly amazingly talented individuals with plenty of passion and love for each other. We ventured and hiked to different locations to shoot and explore the beauty that Iceland had to offer. It was truly an honour to witness their elopement over looking Haifoss waterfall.
In addition to the stunning landscape, being in their company was a truly an amazing experience that will be unforgettable.
wow…its so amazing wedding. I ever seen before these kind of photography. Its wonderful work and fantastic place where both KATIE & MARCO meet each other as a couple. waterfall i thing is the best location in over all your photography.